Snowsports Proficiency Levels

For reasons of consistency in risk management, BBC Club Snowsports has adopted the seven level proficiency scale employed by Hemel Hempstead Ski Centre. When booking places at Open Ski sessions and tuition is also being requested, the booking form will ask the Group Leader to provide a simple assessment of each individual's abilities on snow. These are listed for skiers and boarders as follows:

Level 1No previous experience
Level 2Can do a controlled snow plough in a straight line
Level 3Can do basic snowplough turns
Level 4Can control speed and link snowplough turns from the top of the training slope
Level 5Can ski on the main slope in flowing turns & use the button lift. Has had some practice time on their own
Level 6A versatile skier, developing plough/stem turns through to parallel turns
Level 7A consistent parallel skier on red terrain, beginning to get performance from their skis (i.e. "Performance" level)

Level 1Not been snowboarding before, or has had just one lesson
Level 2Can side-slip on both toe and heel edges in control
Level 3Can move diagonally whilst side-slipping on toe or heel edge, in control
Level 4Can steer the board into the fall line from both edges and has been introduced to controlled basic turns
Level 5Can link controlled turns on the main slope and has had practice time on their own
Level 6A versatile rider who can vary turn shape & speed
Level 7A competent rider looking to learn flat land freestyle skills.